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Material Design

Illustration | Branding | Material Design

Project Overview

Project Abstract:
A Study of Material Design and Entrepreneurship was created to combine my studies of graphic design and entrepreneurship by designing illustrations and patterns that can be fabricated into everyday items, and investigating how to monetize those designs and items. I researched noteworthy textile designers as well as historic design movements to see how I could apply those styles to my work. I experimented with mark making and computer manipulation to create my designs. I looked into different methods of fabrication and had my designs produced by online manufacturers. Finally, I explored how to optimize my items for online shopping as well as how to promote my designs to generate sales.

Website Feature

The project was featured on Millersville University’s Department of Art & Design website. It had its own page within the site and a tab on the main department menu to navigate to it. The page features header images of the patterns, the full project proposal, as well as the final video presentation.

See the Webpage

Design Process

Project Proposal

At the beginning of this process a project proposal was written and submitted to the Art & Design department for approval. The proposal explains my qualifications to complete the project, the idea of the project, and any funding acquired to complete the project. The proposal was approved by the Art & Design department.


A large part of the project was creating the designs and uploading them to selling platforms. To do that mockups were created to illustrate how the pattern looks on different items. These mockups are ones from Redbubble.

Conclusion of Project

At the conclusion of my project I have created 15 unique patterns with multiple variations of each. I have had some of the designs fabricated onto products using Redbubble, but was not able to get as many pieces as I would have liked. I have achieved all the goals I set out at the beginning of the project and have made some sales! Originally I planned to display my work in person at Made in Millersville 2020, but I was able to virtually present my work via online Made in Millersville. Thank you to the Millersville Art & Design Department and to Made in Millersville 2020 for supporting my work, and special thanks to Professor Jeri Robinson-Lawrence for being my mentor during this project.